about us

Sugarbutter is a quaint little lifestyle boutique situated in Ipoh Garden East, which is borne out of passion from Katherine and Sarah. Both enchanting ladies believe that fashion is about the spirit, the impression and inspiration sparked by the every little thing in life and that made fashion belongs to everyone. It is like a dream comes true when they opened their first boutique with a delightful name “Sugarbutter”. The boutique resembles what every girl dreams to have in her own wardrobe.
Targeting at the legions of girls who look for a particular flair of individualism, Sugarbutter has lovingly sourced a haven of delectable garments and accessories. Feast your eyes with the colourful exquisite contemporary collections and indulge all your guilty pleasure when you step into this tastefully decorated home-away-home retreat! Infused with a minimal earth-toned brickwall interior, both Lees hope that the setting can offer a more personalized retail experience that ultimately turns those who visit their boutique into close friends.
Fashion is an expression of inner beauty and everyone deserves to be appreciated for their own fashion taste. Yes, especially YOU. I hope you’re curious enough: head on down to this boutique and pampered yourself with all the dazzles and delights! You will definitely fell head over heels with the collection whenever you drop by. Find your pick today!

牛油和 糖(Sugarbutter)让你联想到什么?是一口让人垂涎欲滴的可口蛋糕,还是糖制的华丽衣裳?!有句话说得妙: "女人的衣柜永远缺少一件衣服." 现在怡保的朋友们,可在位于怡保东区的Sugarbutter  Boutique拥抱这堂而煌之的理由为自己好好地打扮一番,当然外坡的朋友途经怡保也欢迎光临! Sugarbutter的两位合作伙伴是服装的时令达人. 凭着平日对服装潮流的敏锐触觉及喜好装扮,两人决定结合自己的兴趣与心得,于是造就了 Sugarbutter的诞生!
Sugarbutter 的服务对象是轻淑女。店内的装潢以建筑材料的粗朴来突显其风格,符合现代人反朴归真与质感的追求。服装系列简单中显见心思,以车工花样及饰物突显衣服风 格。这可以是一条外显的粗拉链为衣服设计的主角, 手工钉制的炫珠片置在衣服的袖子旁, 让你充满个性又迷炫, 又或者是一个衣服拉链上不经意的漂亮垂饰,总之,衣选让你一瞥难忘! 饰物及配件系列, Sugarbutter秉持less is more的法则, 简洁的设计提显个性.所以,这个周末请务必到Sugarbutter一趟,寻找牛油和糖的精致与华丽!

Photography by Melvin Lee

Photography by Melvin Lee

Photography by Melvin Lee

Photography by Melvin Lee